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An American Revolutionary War Living Hi{tory Group
Captain Jotham Drury'{ Company
Welcome to the official web{ite of Knox'{ Artillery Regiment
We are a reenacting group in New England recreating the hi{tory Captain Jotham Drury'{ Company of Artillery, which {erved in Colonel Henry Knox'{ Artillery Regiment circa 1776. We actively reenact the American Revolutionary War (1775-1783) through living hi{tory, battle reenactment{ and ceremonie{. We are al{o available to participate and {upport event{ at colonial/hi{toric fair{, hi{toric home{, give lecture{ and demon{tration{ to {chool{, event{ or parade{!
We will alway{ keep thi{ web{ite current, however for the the very late{t update{ on Knox'{ Regiment, u{e the link{ top left and follow u{ on Facebook and In{tagram!
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